submitted by Michele Higginson, Stake Provident Living Leader
For FHE- Take time to organize your family documents. After a damaging disaster you will need copies of these documents as well as emergency cash. Keep these items together, current and where possible stored in a fire proof safe or safety deposit box.
- Birth certificates- of all family members
- Marriage license/child custody papers
- Passports
- Social Security cards
- Military/Veteran's papers
- Critical Medical records, info.
- Cash- $1.00 bills or other small bills
- Certificates for stocks, bonds
- Bank Statements
- Credit card numbers
- List of phone numbers of financial institutions
- Insurance policies
- Inventory of household possesions
- Appraisals of valuables, such as artwork, jewelry, etc.
- Backup of critical files on computer
- List of names and phone # of family members, business contacts, etc.
- Deeds, titles, mortgage info.
- Wills and Power of Attorney